We invite you to register for WCC2024 and submit you abstracts for the conference.
The primary deadline for submitting abstracts expired on March 15, 2024. However, the registration form remains active and all submitted presentation proposals will be considered. Although, we do not guarantee that all abstracts submitted after this deadline will be included in the conference program.

Register as a speaker


We are seeking session proposals that aim to address the primary topic of WCC2024:
The challenges between ecology and economic use—the sustainable revitalization of canals with a focus on nature.

Any proposal should fall under one of the following three program themes
Presentations during the session Ecology and Technologies will be dedicated to environmental topics related to rivers and canals, including preservation of resources and ecosystems as well as advanced sustainable technologies.

Man and human activities constitute an inseparable component of relations between people and the aquatic environment, including rivers and canals. Presentations during the session will focus on the determination of a catalogue of human impacts on the environment in time and space. In addition, the session will feature revitalization projects for rivers, canals and waterways, to counteract the negative effects, both past and present.

Presentations during the session Water, Heritage and Tourism will be dedicated to tourist and recreational use of rivers and canals, as one of the essential meanings of combining economy with the environment. A special session dedicated to aquatic museology is also planned.


We warmly welcome diverse perspectives from the entire inland waterways community, including:



1. Process and deadlines


2. Abstract topics

3. Speakers

Speakers are required to purchase a ticket to attend the conference.

The WCC 2024 will not provide any funding or honorarium for submitted speakers.

 For any questions regarding the Congress Programme, please contact wcc2024@visitbydgoszcz.pl.